With the injection of plastics into our environmental equation and because everything is connected, we have a contributing factor that quite possibly can be a major catalyst for the severe storms that are occurring around the world. After reading multiple studies on two different topics and presenting at two lectures, one in Rome and the other in New York, I am asking the scientific community to investigate a possible clandestine connection between plastic and severe storms. Combining available data from multiple studies done on microplastic fibers and studies done on severe storm conditions, problematic possibilities are presented for an ever growing interconnecting issue. Recent findings show that the smallest of particles, smaller than one-thousandth the width of a human hair, have a prodigious role in creating large storm clouds. Taking data from these research projects, I present the hypotheses that the microfiber plastic we have been adding into our environment "may" actually be a player in any stronger Invigorating Convection process of storms.
The first topic on plastic is now quantifying what has been a growing concern for many years regarding the issue with plastics and the environment. We have significant evidence that we are drinking, breathing and eating plastic fibers. One main source of plastic particulates has been shown to come from a single wash load that can release up to 700,000 Microplastic fibers into our waterways. The clothes we wear today that contain plastic, outnumber clothes made of cotton and wool. Cotton and wool naturally decay, plastic does not.
Please see my previous blog: Plastic Water, Air and Food on December 27, 2017.
The second topic has research showing how tiny particles have an impact on storm clouds. The smallest of dirt particles will rise to the top of storm clouds making the cloud bigger and the storm more severe. I am now questioning if microscopic particulates made of plastic can be a factor in larger cloud formations, holding in heat, producing more rain and larger storms. A serious interconnecting problem may be manifesting between these two environmental concerns. The question became: How are microscopic plastic particulates getting into our atmosphere?
Research Studies have shown that tiny particles are a catalysts for more powerful storms and influence weather far greater than previously known. Small particles of dust, dirt and pollutants, known as aerosols, help form clouds and air pollution created by nature and man are all contributing to this water cycle. Particles smaller than one-thousandth the width of a human hair can create clouds to grow taller, intensify the storm and cause more rain to fall. These ultra fine particles less than 50 nanometers wide were studied to learn their role in the development of a thunderstorm. The data comes from 21 authors and 15 institutions world wide that conducted a study operated by Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Climate Research Facility.
From this research scientists found that the ultra-small particles are numerous and plentiful. They can form many small droplets where excess water vapor can condense. This increase in condensation will release more heat, which in turn makes the updrafts so much more dominant. Increase the amount of warm air to be accumulated into the cloud and we have more droplets aloft to create additional rain, hail, snow and lightning. This process known as the Invigorated Convection, though the popular phrase used by the media is now Super Storm after Sandy struck the Northeast coast.
Humankind needs to be intelligent about our evaluations, approach and solutions that incorporate feasible transition periods. As I proffer this theory where microplastic fibers play a role in more severe storms, a full scientific study must be done. Without any research conducted nor samples taken to be examined from the highest point of severe storm clouds, this remains a theory.
Through educating and providing a long list of solutions on all topics makes the needed difference when implemented world wide. All of humankind is on the same team.
(For additional knowledge, please use the Link below to receive an email on when my first book is published. The title is: Plastic Clouds) Thank you.
Bill Lauto, at GoingTrueGreen.com
Environmental Scientist
International Sustainability and Energy Consultant
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by William J. Lauto; Environmental Scientist, Naturalist, International Sustainability & Energy Consultant
Is Humankind creating Plastic Clouds?
How are microscopic plastic particulates getting into our atmosphere?
What are weathered CEDPs?
From plastic sparkles on cards to outdoor plastic fence decor, are we all guilty?
What are the solutions and isn't all of humankind on the same team?
Please use the Image Link to receive an email on info to Pre-Order or when my book is published. Expected date of publishing is around Earth Day, Spring 2021. Thank you.