Live a healthy, sustainable life by saving Money, Energy, Earth, and our children's future, all without sacrifice!
* Award winning GTG BLOG
* Membership Classes, Videos, Answers, and Truth.
Welcome, Are We Going True Green? |
Learn All the reasons WHY we should be GOING TRUE GREEN. The reasons are positive, they are not because of predictions that the world is doomed nor the world will be just fine, so status quo. We will all want to take actions toward True Green not just for a better TOMORROW, but to save MONEY and to live HEALTHIER today. We will balance our environment by saving Energy, Water, Air, and not RISK our future, as we live a more sustainable and greener life without sacrifice! The goal of this Web Site is to empower the "individual" on how to achieve the deepest green color possible by becoming educated and committed within their own budget of time and money. Only then can we say that we didn't squander our children's tomorrow here on Earth. Learn the Instinctive Truths, stop being lied to from both sides.
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Below are GoingTrueGreen's - Blog Awards
My GTG Blog posts provide free educational details, facts and insight, but each person, house, business, or building, will have specific situations with several variables that could be best addressed directly with one of our services.
We offer On-Site Audits, Presentations and Workshops. Our Membership Program provides Going True Green Members with Unlimited access to Specific Answers, Solutions, Videos, OnLine Classes, CheckList Downloads and Truth. Examples: Videos - Such as: Mowing Down The Lawn OnLine Classes - Such as: Bottled Water, Sold A Bill Of Goods Check Lists - Such as: What to Know When Buying A House Question Requests - Such as: Ask a specific question about your home, business or our Earth |
We need to know 3 facts:
Our world has shown us many environmental issues, such as our protective magnetic field, volcanoes under the Antarctic, nitrogen, and pollution. However, after decades of work in the field, I am listing the top three issues that I have continuously faced:
1) Energy: We need energy for humankind to survive. Sadly, the only forms of energy we have been sold are temporary, and should be listed as a transitional energy source. Why, because they all have a heavy cost on our environment, even renewables, and come with monthly bills for everyone. Greed is the driving force behind all current energy sources. What is the energy answer for the world without monthly bills? Use the SEARCH Box at the top of this page and put in Hydrogen Fuel Cells and start reading all my GTG blogs on the subject. Hydrogen Fuel with FREE rain water, FREE sun light, making FREE electricity, on demand, no pollution, and no monthly bills.
2) Environment: We hear the millionaire talking heads on cable channels, but what do the scientific peer reviewed studies really tell us? Humankind's biggest environmental concern is not CO, but microscopic plastic particles that never decay. They only breakdown smaller and smaller, thus getting into our environment and our bodies. There is always another way of doing something, but again, Greed is the driving force. Why is plastic our biggest issue? The microscopic plastic particles in our oceans are killing the microscopic organisms called: Prochlorococcus. These organisms have been, and still are, making our oxygen supply. The Rain Forest produces around 3% of our oxygen. Use the SEARCH Box at the top of this page and put in Plastics, Microscopic Plastic or Prochlorococcus, and start reading all my GTG blogs on the subject.
3) Stewardship: Earth needs humankind to have good stewardship, and that starts by realizing we are all on the same team. Greed has to be removed from the equation, and God's green earth has to be realized for what it is. A gift from God for us to care for and to be thankful. Why does a scientist like myself believe in God? From the evidence left to us some 2,000 years ago, that we can only see and understand today with our modern technology. Please visit:
1) Energy: We need energy for humankind to survive. Sadly, the only forms of energy we have been sold are temporary, and should be listed as a transitional energy source. Why, because they all have a heavy cost on our environment, even renewables, and come with monthly bills for everyone. Greed is the driving force behind all current energy sources. What is the energy answer for the world without monthly bills? Use the SEARCH Box at the top of this page and put in Hydrogen Fuel Cells and start reading all my GTG blogs on the subject. Hydrogen Fuel with FREE rain water, FREE sun light, making FREE electricity, on demand, no pollution, and no monthly bills.
2) Environment: We hear the millionaire talking heads on cable channels, but what do the scientific peer reviewed studies really tell us? Humankind's biggest environmental concern is not CO, but microscopic plastic particles that never decay. They only breakdown smaller and smaller, thus getting into our environment and our bodies. There is always another way of doing something, but again, Greed is the driving force. Why is plastic our biggest issue? The microscopic plastic particles in our oceans are killing the microscopic organisms called: Prochlorococcus. These organisms have been, and still are, making our oxygen supply. The Rain Forest produces around 3% of our oxygen. Use the SEARCH Box at the top of this page and put in Plastics, Microscopic Plastic or Prochlorococcus, and start reading all my GTG blogs on the subject.
3) Stewardship: Earth needs humankind to have good stewardship, and that starts by realizing we are all on the same team. Greed has to be removed from the equation, and God's green earth has to be realized for what it is. A gift from God for us to care for and to be thankful. Why does a scientist like myself believe in God? From the evidence left to us some 2,000 years ago, that we can only see and understand today with our modern technology. Please visit:
True Green means: We are not leaving a carbon footprint, essentially we are operating with a sustainable process that doesn't consume anything that is not renewable nor leave any contaminating elements behind. In addition, we hopefully didn't use much energy or resources to reach this True Green goal line.
Our team has been providing educational facts on living a more sustainable life since 1982! We have provided details to saving money, energy, health and our Earth on the Web since 1995! First as the Lightbulb Hotline, then before becoming!
Dedication: To our children and grandchildren, so that our efforts today are appreciated tomorrow, because we did not leave the problems created by our parents and us for our children to solve at the eleventh hour. Thank you, Bill Lauto; Earth Day 2001
Our team has been providing educational facts on living a more sustainable life since 1982! We have provided details to saving money, energy, health and our Earth on the Web since 1995! First as the Lightbulb Hotline, then before becoming!
Dedication: To our children and grandchildren, so that our efforts today are appreciated tomorrow, because we did not leave the problems created by our parents and us for our children to solve at the eleventh hour. Thank you, Bill Lauto; Earth Day 2001