Below are a few of the letters, comments and emails, in part, that we received over the years:
Your data on Low Pressure Sodium fixtures for outside and a 91% reduction in that lighting cost will be a windfall for my department store.
Mr. G., Operation Manager - 1983
Your Valance lighting design with a Ghost Tube conductor and high polished reflector will reduce my department store's electric and maintenance costs in those areas by over 50%, but you already knew that fact.
CC, Operation Manager - 1985
Dear Bill,
Your Energy Efficiency Workshop is a course that will probably pay for itself inside a couple of days.
Dean Malone - 1989
Dear Bill,
Thanks, in part, to your participation in Earth Day 1990, New York City was the scene of the most successful environmental event in history. Without your help, we could not have organized such a victory.
Pamela, Executive Director Earth Day - 1990
Dear Bill,
Thank you for your presentation at FIT. I only wish that every student would have been able to witness the material you presented.
Michael, Event Manager, Fashion Institute of Technology - 1990
Mr. Lauto,
Your demonstration of actual energy conservative lighting was most helpful, especially demonstrations of actual practical things people can immediately do in their own homes, such as replacing outdoor lighting and hall lights that burn continuously as well as general conservation ideas.
Shirley, League of Women Voters - 1992
Bill, Thank you for your presentation, I loved the questions from our members about contacting you with the new ways of communicating. What was an E-mail?
What was a Home Page?
What is a web site?
President of Rotary International - 1995
I just read on your web site your U. S. Energy Plan and I was amazed at the facts about nuclear waste and how much energy we can save. Intelligently written and powerfully executed. A brilliant plan. Now only if our government leaders would read this.
New York - 2001
I live in Kodiak Alaska. I recently purchased a 15 watt bulb from your company and I would like to buy more. What would be the lowest possible shipping charges to Alaska for a whole case of ESL-15T bulbs?
Best Regards, PV
Thanks for the quick response. I found out about these bulbs at Safeway and I wish I knew about your website sooner, I would have saved myself about $40 to $50 bucks or more and had better bulbs too. I'm going to buy the case and take them out to my cabin over on Afognak island.
PV, Kodiak Alaska - 2002
I just emailed my brother Frank to read your outstanding article posted at www.Energy
Phenomenal writing, I really enjoyed it.
Joe, Buffalo New York - 2002
Thanks for your response, Bill. I'm impressed with your power usage. Here in Texas with the daily high typically hitting 100, my electric bill last month was $128. Many of my friends were over $250 for similar houses. I use geothermal heat as well as all CFC light bulbs and it really makes a difference.
I'll keep in touch.
Brett, Texas - 2003
Dear Bill,
Thank you for your fantastic presentation at the North Shore Audubon meeting. I had such positive feedback from our members and I believe you gave them enough information to actually make a change. Even my husband, the electrician, learned a thing or two. Thank you especially for coming out under such a stressful time.
Wish you peace and happiness in the coming year.
Mary, Audubon Society - 2007
Bill, you were always ahead of your time. Back in the 1980s, when you were my manager at LILCO, you knew more about lighting, saving energy, and helping the environment, than anyone.
Jeff, LIPA Power Utility - 2008
With your help and your scientific audit, we will be able to lower our electrical lighting costs by nearly 50% over the next two to three years. Our school and church, with the help of our local assemblyman, can be a model of energy conservation.
Pastor Bob, OLM Chruch and School - 2009
GTG keeps moving upward and forward and is something you should be really proud of. Keep up the great work. I'll be in touch someday soon.
Dean Nieter - 2016
Thanks for giving me something else to think about in the new year; plastic in my food! How do the plastic fibers get into the air?
Do scientists know?
RG, GTG Member - 2017
Dear Bill,
Thank you very much for your message. Congratulations for your lecture and your “tour de force” to be awake for 33 hours after a big travel from the States to Rome! Yes, 33 is a beautiful and significant number.
It was a pleasure to meet you. I’m happy it was for you a good experience about the Church. You have had also a good Roman experience visiting the four Basilicas, the Holy Stairs and the top of St. Peter’s dome. You have now a kind of treasure to participate to the other people.
Thank you again for your lecture and your offer to answer any questions about your expertise areas. Thank you also for your prayers. I will pray for you. God Bless you.
Yours in Christ,
Fr. Rafael Pascual, L.C., Rome - 2018
Thank you for this very enlightening article. I had been wondering for some time why our small community recycling center had stopped processing glass. No one was talking either. Now I understand why.
Linkedin comment, Follower - 2019
Dear GTG,
I heard in the news that laminate floors from various manufacturers have cancer causing agents. My laminate floor is from a family business local to me and is about 5 years old. My kids play on the floor several times a week. I have extra floor boards, should I have them checked?
Maria, GTG Member - Answered in GTG Blog 8/14/2019
Thank you very much, Prof. Lauto and, above all, for the opportunity to offer a presentation for my online students and Philosophy degree teachers. I am looking forward to you attending our conference in Valencia.
We’ll be in touch the following weeks in order to specify your stay in Valencia, Spain.
All the best,
Dean Ginés Marco - 2019
There's a lot of complexities around solar panel recycling, but you pointed out the biggest: policy. Solar modules are governed federally under RCRA as hazardous waste, and should not be landfilled. My company performs chemical testing on modules we receive, and most are declared legally hazardous due to elevated levels of lead and/or silver. Solar panel recycling will only become a profitable endeavor once it's mandated, and subsidized.
CD, Follower - 2020
Your mention of plastic clothing brings to mind a recent camping trip...All good campers know to bring along a bit of lint from your dryer to help start a fire. However, with all our polyester blends (plastic containing materials), this is no longer safe. Burning lint to start a fire is essentially burning and breathing in bits of plastic. I tried to explain this to a group of campers in their 40's and 50's last fall during a Cub Scout weekend. They were not so receptive to my "poo-pooing" their age old lint burning traditions. Needless to say, they inhaled some plastic that weekend - some people are just not ready to hear the truth...
Karen, 2020
What Happened In Texas? February, 2021 GTG Blog Post
Well thought out, but discouraging. I prefer human error over greed.
Tom R., 2021
What Happened In Texas? February, 2021 GTG Blog Post
Really well written and helps explain it. I didn’t realize all of that.
Brian, 2021
What Happened In Texas? February, 2021 GTG Blog Post
Excellent blog Bill. You have created a blog where you present the facts, state openly when you may not know all of the details and created a forum where all viewpoints are welcomed and respected. You clarify misconceptions and misinformation with facts. This straightforward means of communication is what we seek today in government and in journalism . Thank you. I am very impressed.
Maria, 2021
Addictions from Cigs to Cells - May, 2022 GTG Blog Post
Wow! The take home message of the lesson from a half century ago is as pertinent as the modern day version.
That information is so valid and all should take heed! I pray that 25 years from now we are not telling this same story again after those 7 billion subscribers have been upgraded to new 5G technology.
Beware of Electromagnetic Radiation. Its not a storybook tale!
Remember our Veterans this weekend!!
Dr. Mike, 2022
Addictions from Cigs to Cells - May, 2022 GTG Blog Post
My Dad who was in the Army. Little is known by me as my dad never spoke about the war unless I asked him about it. I do know that he was in the European Theater part of the war. I also know that he was on the front lines as a Medic during the Battle of the Bulge. My eternal thanks to my dad and all others who did their best to ensure we all have the freedoms that we enjoy in our country today.
Matt, Long Time Follower, 2022
More Power - June, 2022 GTG Blog Post
That's a wonderfully smooth curve! I have to say I'm quite envious, I live in Ireland and our weather changes almost hourly, so the generation graphs are a lot more up and down over here.
It makes a more interesting case for solar storage batteries over here though - the more up and down the production, the handier they can be to smooth it all out.
Building my own DIY solar panel to be a paddling pool heater with my kids
A fun bit of eco-science really, getting to use my inner engineer!! Thank you!
Phil T., 2022
Email - Jan. 3, 2023 GTG
About 60 minutes "Six Mass Extinction" show
In-case you missed '60 Minutes" this past Sunday, PLEASE watch this very important video...
Jan. 4th, 2023
Hi Bob,
Well if a meteor turns out to be one of the mass extinction or the largest volcano in the world (under YellowStone National Park) blows big time or our protective magnetic field fails, we as humans can do very little. (The Ozone layer is no longer an issue, we humans fixed it back in the 1980s! NASA states within 10 years the Ozone layer will be 100% repaired)
Now with the mass extinction stated by Paul Ehrlich and 60 minutes, who both agree with Thomas Robert Malthus, I disagree.
I follow William Godwin and Marquis de Condorcet. Both have been proven right over and over. Malthus has always been proven wrong, even to this day.
So, Happy New Year! Don't worry, the earth and humankind, with intelligence, will prevail. We will get there with endless energy for all. We will have Fusion power and Hydrogen Fuel Cells. We will eliminate all issues with plastic with new products like the ones Notpla makes from seaweed. We will save nature, animals and our environment.
However, sadly, the solutions do NOT make for exciting TV.
(Did you know, the world was to run out of food before 2020 and we would lose up to 90% of humankind to starvation. That dark and serious scientific prediction was made in the 1970s, but humankind's intelligence overcame all probabilities for that to happen and we still are inventing new ways to feed the world, sadly because of GREED we have so many still going hungry)
What we first need is peace in the world.
We need pretentious scientists to realize that William Godwin and Marquis de Condorcet are correct and Thomas Robert Malthus has been proven wrong again.
All this will happen when we all have the courage to learn the truth with all the facts, through free speech for all.
We need to know God is with us, within us and will never leave us.
God Bless us all.
Bill Lauto, Environmental Scientist
International Energy and Sustainability Consultant
You are clearly in command of an extraordinary body of knowledge, and have a gift for breaking things down in a way that welcomes beginners like me to learn more.
Jean - 2023
Your data on Low Pressure Sodium fixtures for outside and a 91% reduction in that lighting cost will be a windfall for my department store.
Mr. G., Operation Manager - 1983
Your Valance lighting design with a Ghost Tube conductor and high polished reflector will reduce my department store's electric and maintenance costs in those areas by over 50%, but you already knew that fact.
CC, Operation Manager - 1985
Dear Bill,
Your Energy Efficiency Workshop is a course that will probably pay for itself inside a couple of days.
Dean Malone - 1989
Dear Bill,
Thanks, in part, to your participation in Earth Day 1990, New York City was the scene of the most successful environmental event in history. Without your help, we could not have organized such a victory.
Pamela, Executive Director Earth Day - 1990
Dear Bill,
Thank you for your presentation at FIT. I only wish that every student would have been able to witness the material you presented.
Michael, Event Manager, Fashion Institute of Technology - 1990
Mr. Lauto,
Your demonstration of actual energy conservative lighting was most helpful, especially demonstrations of actual practical things people can immediately do in their own homes, such as replacing outdoor lighting and hall lights that burn continuously as well as general conservation ideas.
Shirley, League of Women Voters - 1992
Bill, Thank you for your presentation, I loved the questions from our members about contacting you with the new ways of communicating. What was an E-mail?
What was a Home Page?
What is a web site?
President of Rotary International - 1995
I just read on your web site your U. S. Energy Plan and I was amazed at the facts about nuclear waste and how much energy we can save. Intelligently written and powerfully executed. A brilliant plan. Now only if our government leaders would read this.
New York - 2001
I live in Kodiak Alaska. I recently purchased a 15 watt bulb from your company and I would like to buy more. What would be the lowest possible shipping charges to Alaska for a whole case of ESL-15T bulbs?
Best Regards, PV
Thanks for the quick response. I found out about these bulbs at Safeway and I wish I knew about your website sooner, I would have saved myself about $40 to $50 bucks or more and had better bulbs too. I'm going to buy the case and take them out to my cabin over on Afognak island.
PV, Kodiak Alaska - 2002
I just emailed my brother Frank to read your outstanding article posted at www.Energy
Phenomenal writing, I really enjoyed it.
Joe, Buffalo New York - 2002
Thanks for your response, Bill. I'm impressed with your power usage. Here in Texas with the daily high typically hitting 100, my electric bill last month was $128. Many of my friends were over $250 for similar houses. I use geothermal heat as well as all CFC light bulbs and it really makes a difference.
I'll keep in touch.
Brett, Texas - 2003
Dear Bill,
Thank you for your fantastic presentation at the North Shore Audubon meeting. I had such positive feedback from our members and I believe you gave them enough information to actually make a change. Even my husband, the electrician, learned a thing or two. Thank you especially for coming out under such a stressful time.
Wish you peace and happiness in the coming year.
Mary, Audubon Society - 2007
Bill, you were always ahead of your time. Back in the 1980s, when you were my manager at LILCO, you knew more about lighting, saving energy, and helping the environment, than anyone.
Jeff, LIPA Power Utility - 2008
With your help and your scientific audit, we will be able to lower our electrical lighting costs by nearly 50% over the next two to three years. Our school and church, with the help of our local assemblyman, can be a model of energy conservation.
Pastor Bob, OLM Chruch and School - 2009
GTG keeps moving upward and forward and is something you should be really proud of. Keep up the great work. I'll be in touch someday soon.
Dean Nieter - 2016
Thanks for giving me something else to think about in the new year; plastic in my food! How do the plastic fibers get into the air?
Do scientists know?
RG, GTG Member - 2017
Dear Bill,
Thank you very much for your message. Congratulations for your lecture and your “tour de force” to be awake for 33 hours after a big travel from the States to Rome! Yes, 33 is a beautiful and significant number.
It was a pleasure to meet you. I’m happy it was for you a good experience about the Church. You have had also a good Roman experience visiting the four Basilicas, the Holy Stairs and the top of St. Peter’s dome. You have now a kind of treasure to participate to the other people.
Thank you again for your lecture and your offer to answer any questions about your expertise areas. Thank you also for your prayers. I will pray for you. God Bless you.
Yours in Christ,
Fr. Rafael Pascual, L.C., Rome - 2018
Thank you for this very enlightening article. I had been wondering for some time why our small community recycling center had stopped processing glass. No one was talking either. Now I understand why.
Linkedin comment, Follower - 2019
Dear GTG,
I heard in the news that laminate floors from various manufacturers have cancer causing agents. My laminate floor is from a family business local to me and is about 5 years old. My kids play on the floor several times a week. I have extra floor boards, should I have them checked?
Maria, GTG Member - Answered in GTG Blog 8/14/2019
Thank you very much, Prof. Lauto and, above all, for the opportunity to offer a presentation for my online students and Philosophy degree teachers. I am looking forward to you attending our conference in Valencia.
We’ll be in touch the following weeks in order to specify your stay in Valencia, Spain.
All the best,
Dean Ginés Marco - 2019
There's a lot of complexities around solar panel recycling, but you pointed out the biggest: policy. Solar modules are governed federally under RCRA as hazardous waste, and should not be landfilled. My company performs chemical testing on modules we receive, and most are declared legally hazardous due to elevated levels of lead and/or silver. Solar panel recycling will only become a profitable endeavor once it's mandated, and subsidized.
CD, Follower - 2020
Your mention of plastic clothing brings to mind a recent camping trip...All good campers know to bring along a bit of lint from your dryer to help start a fire. However, with all our polyester blends (plastic containing materials), this is no longer safe. Burning lint to start a fire is essentially burning and breathing in bits of plastic. I tried to explain this to a group of campers in their 40's and 50's last fall during a Cub Scout weekend. They were not so receptive to my "poo-pooing" their age old lint burning traditions. Needless to say, they inhaled some plastic that weekend - some people are just not ready to hear the truth...
Karen, 2020
What Happened In Texas? February, 2021 GTG Blog Post
Well thought out, but discouraging. I prefer human error over greed.
Tom R., 2021
What Happened In Texas? February, 2021 GTG Blog Post
Really well written and helps explain it. I didn’t realize all of that.
Brian, 2021
What Happened In Texas? February, 2021 GTG Blog Post
Excellent blog Bill. You have created a blog where you present the facts, state openly when you may not know all of the details and created a forum where all viewpoints are welcomed and respected. You clarify misconceptions and misinformation with facts. This straightforward means of communication is what we seek today in government and in journalism . Thank you. I am very impressed.
Maria, 2021
Addictions from Cigs to Cells - May, 2022 GTG Blog Post
Wow! The take home message of the lesson from a half century ago is as pertinent as the modern day version.
That information is so valid and all should take heed! I pray that 25 years from now we are not telling this same story again after those 7 billion subscribers have been upgraded to new 5G technology.
Beware of Electromagnetic Radiation. Its not a storybook tale!
Remember our Veterans this weekend!!
Dr. Mike, 2022
Addictions from Cigs to Cells - May, 2022 GTG Blog Post
My Dad who was in the Army. Little is known by me as my dad never spoke about the war unless I asked him about it. I do know that he was in the European Theater part of the war. I also know that he was on the front lines as a Medic during the Battle of the Bulge. My eternal thanks to my dad and all others who did their best to ensure we all have the freedoms that we enjoy in our country today.
Matt, Long Time Follower, 2022
More Power - June, 2022 GTG Blog Post
That's a wonderfully smooth curve! I have to say I'm quite envious, I live in Ireland and our weather changes almost hourly, so the generation graphs are a lot more up and down over here.
It makes a more interesting case for solar storage batteries over here though - the more up and down the production, the handier they can be to smooth it all out.
Building my own DIY solar panel to be a paddling pool heater with my kids
A fun bit of eco-science really, getting to use my inner engineer!! Thank you!
Phil T., 2022
Email - Jan. 3, 2023 GTG
About 60 minutes "Six Mass Extinction" show
In-case you missed '60 Minutes" this past Sunday, PLEASE watch this very important video...
Jan. 4th, 2023
Hi Bob,
Well if a meteor turns out to be one of the mass extinction or the largest volcano in the world (under YellowStone National Park) blows big time or our protective magnetic field fails, we as humans can do very little. (The Ozone layer is no longer an issue, we humans fixed it back in the 1980s! NASA states within 10 years the Ozone layer will be 100% repaired)
Now with the mass extinction stated by Paul Ehrlich and 60 minutes, who both agree with Thomas Robert Malthus, I disagree.
I follow William Godwin and Marquis de Condorcet. Both have been proven right over and over. Malthus has always been proven wrong, even to this day.
So, Happy New Year! Don't worry, the earth and humankind, with intelligence, will prevail. We will get there with endless energy for all. We will have Fusion power and Hydrogen Fuel Cells. We will eliminate all issues with plastic with new products like the ones Notpla makes from seaweed. We will save nature, animals and our environment.
However, sadly, the solutions do NOT make for exciting TV.
(Did you know, the world was to run out of food before 2020 and we would lose up to 90% of humankind to starvation. That dark and serious scientific prediction was made in the 1970s, but humankind's intelligence overcame all probabilities for that to happen and we still are inventing new ways to feed the world, sadly because of GREED we have so many still going hungry)
What we first need is peace in the world.
We need pretentious scientists to realize that William Godwin and Marquis de Condorcet are correct and Thomas Robert Malthus has been proven wrong again.
All this will happen when we all have the courage to learn the truth with all the facts, through free speech for all.
We need to know God is with us, within us and will never leave us.
God Bless us all.
Bill Lauto, Environmental Scientist
International Energy and Sustainability Consultant
You are clearly in command of an extraordinary body of knowledge, and have a gift for breaking things down in a way that welcomes beginners like me to learn more.
Jean - 2023