…politician, corporation, political party, government, organization, celebrity or the UN will save us all.
…purchasing some energy saving light bulbs, an energy star refrigerator, wrist band, or even a Going True Green hat will make a difference.
…media report, reporter, movie or documentary gives us the complete picture and doesn’t lie through the process of omission to present a selling narrative that makes them lots of money and will coagulate a magical solution.
…donation or implementing some of the energy saving “tips” from utility companies, instead of real actions, will suffice.
…massive singular solution will squelch all concerns, fears and corruption when some hero solves the CO2 threat by seeding the sky or solving the issue of overfishing and our oceans will have no other problems or only if everyone had an electric car or genetically engineered food in a lab will feed the masses and we are not fooling ourselves.
Nobody knows if the world is doomed or if everything will turn out to be roses. However, I do know humankind has and can accomplish “amazing”. We are intelligent, we are capable, we can evaluate and transition into real solutions that acknowledge everyone and everything is connected! We must stop believing predictions hosting a good or bad narrative for the future that is based upon one singular issue and narrative. Our world’s environment is not singular, we have a multi-complex, never ending connected environment that humankind has yet to learn all the facts. Thus, what is needed is education of the complete picture and a narrative that is hosting all the possible solutions.
We need to be ebullient on Earth Day, not mad or fearful, so each and every one of us can be the solution by living a more "sustainable life" within our own budget of time and money.
We will obtain a better tomorrow while saving Money, Health, Energy, and Earth without making any sacrifices! But we must work as a Team toward good Environmental Stewardship! Education of the facts, trade secrets and encouraging support, is what the world needs. The Blame game must end. We make the difference ourselves! The evidence of this from over the years is proof that each one of us is the superhero. Each one of us is the solution, because each one of us is connected to our one team, one environment. Only then can we say that we didn't squander our children's tomorrow here on Earth.
Bill Lauto, at GoingTrueGreen.com
Environmental Scientist
International Sustainability and Energy Consultant
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