No matter what type of Clothes Dryer you have, take the biggest bath towel you own and throw that towel into the Dryer with all your wet clothes! That is correct! To save approximately 7 minutes drying time (give or take a few minutes), each and every time you dry clothes, get the largest bath towel you own and make it your Dryer's towel. Yes, this towel shall stay and live in the Dryer forever. In other words, make this towel your Dryer's Default Towel.
Why does this help?

So each time the Dryer is done, remove the clothes and then toss the Dry Default towel back into the Dryer for the next load. You can also read all the details to saving money, energy, and earth with electric and gas clothes dryers at additional Going True Green blog posts and with GoingTrueGreen membership.
...And then there is using a clothes line outside in the fresh air to dry your clothes. Remember that sustainable way? Many people in the world still use them!
Bill Lauto, GTG
Environmental Scientist
International Sustainability and Energy Consultant
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