- Have we ever dropped one piece of litter anywhere?
- Have we ever used fertilizer on a lawn?
- Have we used the outdoor ground for a bathroom?
- Do we use manufactured cleaning chemicals?
- Do we use toilet paper that has a color?
- Have we washed and waxed a car?
- Have we ever spilt gasoline or oil on the ground?
- What laundry detergent do we use?
Contaminated water and levels of toxins are more of a concern now then ever before. Below are the reasons:
The following has been recently reported about toxins found in our water:
Traces of Ibuprofen, Naproxen, anti-epileptic and anti-anxiety drugs to name a few Pharmaceutical chemicals.
We have already been aware of what may be in old pipes, such as inorganics leaching from rust, copper or lead. In addition, build ups of organics can create an estuary-like environment supporting their life and the life of pathogens such as E.coli.
Unfortunately, things do not stop there:
- Our drinking water tables underground are becoming low (weak) as more and more people pump water out and they really DO NOT provide an equal amount of RECHARGE back into the ground.
- The more ground we pave over the more polluted the Recharge, if any.
- Our drinking water tables underground are also infiltrated day after day with:
* Acid Rain derived from air pollution
* Toxic Waste from land fills
* Chemical spills from Industry
* Salt water from oceans near our shores
* Gasoline from old leaking tanks at closed down gas stations
* Nitrates, Pesticides, and Fertilizers from farms
* Chlorine and Fluoride from Municipal Water Treatment
* Human waste from individual houses with Septic tanks
End result is that EPA has set up enforceable safety standards for us. So far about 90 standards have been set, but over 2,000 chemical compounds have been found in our water. We have a long way to go so we can all be swimming in clean water... Not drowning in polluted water.
Bill Lauto, at GoingTrueGreen.com
Environmental Scientist
International Sustainability and Energy Consultant
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