Change just four incandescent light bulbs in your house to energy-efficient fluorescent bulbs and you'll lower your electricity bill by about $100 a year (assuming you have an average-size home and pay 14 cents per kilowatt hour). Your savings include the cost of the bulbs - which average a stiff $20 each but last three to four years.
Since they are expensive, they're best suited for kitchens, dens and other high-use areas and for rooms in which lights are on at least four hours a day. If you use fluorescent bulbs that are designed for outside use, they must be in acovered light fixture. Exposure to weather can cause them to burn out early.
You may have trouble finding the type and size of fluorescent bulbs you need because those stocked by some utility companies and stores don't fit standard lamps. Consumers who have trouble finding bulbs can call B and B Ventures (1-516-822-2858). The company sells bulbs and can also direct you to other mail-order sources.