The far right protects money already being made and the far left is making money by having the media protect their own talking points so they can project an image of saving the world, but the fact is they are making matters worse. When hypocrisy is incited by abundant finances we have examples such as:
Demanding actions by others to save the environment and then sell rocketship joy rides to multi-millionaires that punches a new hole with each launch in our Ozone Layer for no justifiable reason.
Watch and hear the media support the celebs and politicians who took a grappling hook to reports from the IPCC, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. The narrative that was created stated that we haven't taken any actions to prevent a twelve year countdown to the existential threat of climate change. Yet, even if we don't read the IPCC reports and just read their Press Release, we know the report never stated any apocalypse or twelve years to doom. How then, could we ever believe anything sold by the media, celebs and politicians?
First, I take personal insult to any claim of inaction by all us "individuals" who have been studying, working and doing actions for over 40 years now. (more about "individuals" in two paragraphs)
Second, the 2018 IPCC report talked about how we can limit warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius above preindustrial times, by achieving a 45% reduction in our carbon emissions by 2030.
So a "money making, power grabbing and kiss my feet because I am saving the world" narrative came about from that report. The 12 years came from 2030 minus 2018 and the corrupt spin to the report has the sky falling. So why do they do this, simple: "vote me in or rent my movie". Countless unpretentious scientists, who do not get a second of the media's time, have stated the IPCC report has been misrepresented in one way or another.
However, we are taught today to blame another, but who is the other? Who operates or controls the market, society or business? An "individual" is our answer. Who owns a business? Who is in government office? Who has a big microphone because they are a famous person? Who is the Chair of an organization? Who is the CEO of a media network? An "individual" will be the answer. Now none of that is an issue when said individual has high morality and scruples, because those individuals, like you and I, are the heroes and the solution. However, the problems we now face are from our individual attitudes and the corruption of an individual. A complete and in depth view reveals that the true reasons come from: greed, indifferences, misguided goals, misinformed conclusions, lack of morals and virtue, self righteous assessments that place a higher value on one self over other humans, animals, and nature. These elites ignore long term consequences “So Not” to spend more money on a better way or solution; knowing there will be no consequences in their lifetime as long as the media covers for them. Thus in one word: anthropocentrism.
So the media misrepresents the truth by being sensationalists in order to make money and negates being journalists. According to many headlines, captions, reports, summaries, soundbites and editorials, in 2015, the media manipulated versions of Pope Francis' Encyclical Letter on caring for our common home. This is just one more example of how the media extracted selected verbiage and then claimed that the Pope blames man’s society and markets for creating Climate Change.
When reading the Encyclical letter, we learn that Pope Francis provided that while our creativity has produced products, actions, and inventions that are contributing to Climate Change, that is not where we should place blame. In fact, Pope Francis states that humankind has invented amazing products, produced life saving actions, and has wonderful accomplishments. The blame falls not upon “WHAT” we have, but the “HOW” we use them.
Does the last line above from the Pope's letter, sound like a joy ride in a rocket? Thus, to conclude this blog on the current events from my title, let us venture from joy rides into space that go as high as 52 to 62 miles up, to a sustainable supply chain that has an approximate 200 mile radius. Not half way around the world that equals 11,000 kilometers or 6,800 miles. Yet, that is what we have for many of the items that we NEED. The difference between a supply of items that we NEED to be sustainable from 200 miles away to 7,000 miles, is life and death. Perhaps now we really have the sky falling? Why do we have corporations and politicians allowing items such as medicines, a NEED - not a WANT, to be made nowhere in the United States? Ingredients for medicine isn't a "want" such as a component for a video game and should not be shipped from thousands of miles away.
Everything is connected, but a sustainable supply chain beyond 200 miles for items that we NEED is a farce. Where we are today for the items we need to be sustainable is a lie. Ships are lined up off the coast of California almost half way back to China. The same goes for any NEED coming from beyond 200 miles in any direction. Our crooked politicians and corrupt individuals are walking us to an edge of a cliff with a drop-off that is greater than the descent of "joy ride" rockets.
To LEAD, one must serve all others. Just like someone taught us, some 2,000 years ago.
Bill Lauto, at
Environmental Scientist
International Sustainability and Energy Consultant
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