Our Compare and Save chart below, will show examples of a house that realizes an electric bill savings of $ 762.28 in one year after implementing recommended actions for just Lighting and an extra refrigerator / freezer.
PAYBACK for this investment that obtained the savings of $ 762.28 was in a fast 5 months and 3 weeks! The total yearly energy savings was well over $1,400.00 when additional energy saving actions that we recommended were taken. Payback for the entire investment that obtained these savings was less than 2 years!
AND those are numbers from the 1980's! So calculate today's savings!
Additional energy saving actions were in the following areas:
Heating, Cooling, other Appliances, Insulation and Hot Water.
We have the technology.
America's Energy Independence Day
Bill Lauto, at GoingTrueGreen.com
Environmental Scientist
International Sustainability and Energy Consultant
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