Wish to share below the Green Expo Lineup at the NEW environmentally minded Citi Field ball park for the New York Mets. Back in April I was a guest speaker twice with 1010 WINS News Radio at the new Citi Field. The day was Open House for fans to see the new stadium and listen in on "live" radio news shows that hosted educational speakers, like myself, and other events.
I went to bat twice with Alice Stockton-Rossini of WINS News as she threw one hardball question after another at me. All questions were about our environment and how to save energy without sacrificing the life style we know. There was no bunting on my part, as the show was being broadcasted live. The people in the stadium that stopped by to listen in were also amazing and Alice allowed them to throw some fast questions at me for their own houses and businesses.
On my time off the air, I received a tour of Citi Field and spoke with 1010 WINS sports extravaganza, John Montone, himself.
At the end of the day, Alice thanked me and she couldn't believe how much I had to say on the topics. If I remember correctly, she told me that I knocked it out of the park at both interview shows.
All in all, one amazing day with WINS News Radio and the Amazing New York Mets.
P.S. A special thank you to my "go-to" marketing expert, Bob. Thanks for making this happen!
Bill Lauto, at GoingTrueGreen.com
Environmental Scientist
International Sustainability and Energy Consultant
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