Several climate activist make claims that we have no time to waste with saving our environment. They state that we wasted decades of time not doing anything significant to make a difference. That statement I take as a personal insult to me and all my colleagues who are unpretentious scientists like myself. We have helped make a difference for 40 years and we do not look for or demand 15 minutes of fame. These climate activist easily fall into being a Triple 'C' person.
They Constantly Complain and Criticize others while doing little or nothing themselves to help. They are not part of the solution, they are part of the problem. In fact, instead of helping with any one issue, they are doing damage to positive team building and teamwork that is moving forward to solve an issue. Those who scream that we have not done anything, but only wasted energy and time, are in fact the ones causing road blocks against long term solutions. Several are telling lies to foster profits and power. Decades ago real scientific work started in earnest to protect our environment and save energy. We have major success stories from the Ozone layer to renewable energy production. Our planet is healthier despite those who led dishonestly and failed to recognize that a true leader must only serve, never gain.
Negative Triple 'C' influence is especially true when we are looking at the young adults and children of today. Whenever I am speaking to a group of students about our environment, I see in many faces that they were told little about solutions and everything about being doomed. Each survey I do with students of all ages, I have 30% of them raising their hands to state that they are truly scared about the future. Yet, none can cite a study or report to justify that fear, only the screams of a Triple 'C' person on TV or a misinformed climate activist in front of the classroom. As far as I am concerned, this is child abuse. No scientific study has stated that the world is doomed. We have challenges, but we are prevailing. None of the horrifying predictions of the past about the environment have come true. We are past due on all the doom sayers time tables as far back as 50 years ago. Human intelligence is prevailing and we will continue to do so if we work together!
One additional point, I know climate activists who do dangerous actions such as blocking traffic on a three lane highway, claim they must do those disruptions because this is comparable to pulling the fire alarm at 2 AM in a building that is burning to the ground. That is the right thing to do in order to save lives in a building about to be consumed. However, you do not pull a fire alarm in a building just because someone made money predicting the building may catch on fire someday.
That action is illegal.
That action can cost lives.
That action will do damage to positive team building.
That action will destroy the teamwork moving toward solutions.
That action proves you have been lied to and are being used to make some Triple 'C' person more money.
Work with us and do all the solutions you can do in your own house, place of work, place of worship and neighborhood. Then, the future will no longer be feared by anyone. We Got This!
Bill Lauto, at
Environmental Scientist
International Sustainability and Energy Consultant
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