Saving energy with Nature is easy by just using closely branched trees that grow in pyramidical or columnar form. They give height and body without excessive width. Planting would most likely be best on the north side of your house to block the cold winter winds. All in all, Evergreens would be best and you should contact a certified arborist to confirm what is best for your house.
Basically any building will benefit from the wind chill factor being reduced by a Windbreak. Well designed windbreaks reduce energy costs up to 40 percent. The type of structure your house is made of and the overall efficiency of your heating system are just a few factors that determine the total savings.
However, please realize that even if a savings of up to 40 percent is realized, that savings is NOT a 40 percent reduction in the total heating bill. The savings is 40 percent off the total amount of heat being lost by the house due to not having a Windbreak.
For example: If heating is costing 7% more a year to keep the house warm because there is no Windbreak, then a 40% savings of that 7% heat lost will be saved after a Windbreak is installed. Also we must allow for the time all the trees take to grow.
Bill Lauto, at GoingTrueGreen.com
Environmental Scientist
International Sustainability and Energy Consultant
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