Okay, not exactly "holes" in your attic, but close enough if your Attic floor is not insulated correctly or sufficiently. No "Rocket Science" needed to know if your house is losing heat and costing you money. To answer this very important question is to simply go outside a few hours after a snow fall and LOOK at your roof. No infrared cameras needed by you or any energy professionals if you are having them do an energy audit. AT GTG we don't need any special cameras when we conduct Energy Audits, so please don't fall for the line: "Oh that will cost extra because we have to use the special "Thing-A-Ma Jig" to detect heat lost from your attic." That is a complete Lie.
The Tale of Two Houses: The house in the foreground on the right and below this text box is warm inside, saving money for themselves & fuel for America because no snow is melting off the roof from rising heat. Remember, Hot air rises! | The house in the background and shown below is losing heat and money to the outside. The solid white lines of snow is where heat is being blocked from escaping by the wood beams supporting the roof from inside the attic. The dark color areas show heat being lost. |
Click on image to enlarge and continue to read about savings.
The next day has the sun shining, yet the snow is still covering the roof that is not losing any heat due to an excellent attic insulation job. Heating cost in this house is 1/5 of a non efficient house. | The house in the background above and shown on the right, is still heating a neighborhood. This is costing the owner a great deal as well as America and Earth's environment. |
How much can be saved in money, energy and our environment? A great deal to say the least. One example with these two houses using Oil to heat the homes shows the inefficient house using over 1,000 gallons of oil per year while the more efficient house will use only 265 gallons of oil for the same year. With this example, please note that 5 additional energy efficient steps were taken along with properly insulating the attic for the efficient house. Remember, we are here to help. Communicate with us any specific question on this topic by email or in our comment box and we will do our best to provide you with a professional answer within a reasonable time frame.
Bill Lauto, at GoingTrueGreen.com
Environmental Scientist
International Sustainability and Energy Consultant
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