Impressive, but are we Jedis yet?
A closer look at all the facts for a complete picture with nuclear fusion we have a potentially source of endless non-polluting energy. Can this be the solution to all our energy needs?
In a word, no, because you cannot pour fusion energy into a fuel tank. Unless we can have safe and small enough fusion reactions on every vehicle, then we still have issues. Additionally, the breakthrough we had in December 2022, is said to be one or two decades away from commercial use. How many times have we heard ten years away and twenty years later we still are hearing, "Ten years away." I don't want to be cynical, but only a few major programs in the world were successful in less than ten years. Our American Apollo space program was one of them. The reason is because the Apollo program was never done for making MONEY. Bring in commercial use and profits, then greed will sink its ugly teeth in very deep. That is why we still don't have Hydrogen Fuel Cells on our cars making hydrogen ON DEMAND to operate our vehicles carbon free. Once you buy your own system, everything else you need is FREE.
Free electricity from the sun with a solar panel to separate the two hydrogen molecules from the oxygen (H2O) aka, water in our onboard Membrane system. That hydrogen then runs the fuel cell for free to make electricity to run the car for free. All made on demand, no storage or delivery of hydrogen. We are not beholden to some conglomerate company selling us Hydrogen fuel at old retrofitted gasoline stations! All on-board a vehicle or in-house for power production. NASA has used this type of system on the space shuttles since 1981, but no research dollars are available to commercialize something that is only purchased once and maintained. This self operating and owned system, without monthly fuel bills, will set us free.
So keep in mind that even if all goes well with nuclear fusion over the next ten years with commercial development, we are still beholden to pay a monthly fee to whatever conglomerate is supplying the nuclear fusion energy.
Compare that to collecting FREE rain water off your roof, FREE electricity from a solar panel to operate the Membrane system separating the hydrogen from oxygen and the fuel cell making Free electrical power to run your car, your home, (heat, lights, and cooling) with electricity you made.
Now you will hear that nuclear fusion is needed to make clean electricity to separate hydrogen from oxygen for hydrogen fuel cells. What is wrong with solar panels making that electricity? Along with some backup batteries that the Fuel Cell's freely made electricity is always recharging we are good to go. Alas, an affordable and compact working system isn't available yet... Because there are no research dollars due to making an energy producing system that doesn't have a monthly bill attached to it!
You shall also hear that nuclear fusion will make clean energy to charge the batteries that run cars, trucks, homes, etc. Well, the complete picture shows much damage being done to our environment to dig up all the natural resources necessary to make batteries, then calculate the manufacturing damage to our environment and we realize we do not have enough natural resources to meet a world wide complete demand for batteries.
Yes, we can use safe and carbon free nuclear fusion. Nuclear fusion will power the street lights and all the entities that use our tax dollars to pay the energy bill. However, we the people still want our own hydrogen fuel cells so we can be our own energy supplier! In the meantime all the people around the world need ALL the current fuels to give us the ability to transition into a better tomorrow. Realize: If we are lost in the woods, we will need to make a fire to cook whatever food we obtain, so tomorrow we can have the strength and ability to find our way home. If someone throws a bucket of sand onto that fire and we starve to death, there will be no tomorrow.
So yes, Happy New Year! Don't worry, the earth and humankind, with intelligence, will prevail. We will get there with endless energy for all. We will eliminate all issues with plastic with new products like the ones Notpla makes from seaweed.
However, we first need peace in the world. We need pretentious scientists to realize that William Godwin and Marquis de Condorcet are correct and Thomas Robert Malthus has been proven wrong again. All this will happen when we all have the courage to learn the truth with all the facts, through free speech for all. God Bless us all.
Bill Lauto, at GoingTrueGreen.com
Environmental Scientist
International Sustainability and Energy Consultant
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