Our history is not as long as the electric light bulb, but we have changed and grown since we started in 1984 under B and B Ventures, Inc. Bill Lauto started the service EELC (Environmental, Energy and Lighting Consultants), the first year the company started. This was just after the conservation steps of the 1970s which entailed sacrifice by lowering the heat and wearing a sweater, Mr. Lauto came on the scene in 1981 presenting facts and teaching details long before anyone else on how we can save without sacrifice by correctly implemented the technology we already obtained. Conducting energy saving reports, consulting for corporate and government accounts on environmental topics such as: air, asbestos, cooling, heating, lighting, radon, office recycling stations and water were the primary purpose of the business.
During the 20th Anniversary of Earth Day in 1990, Mr. Lauto was the Environmental Energy Advisor to the Earth Day Committee. Former New York Commissioner Mark Green and former New York Mayor Dinkins had Mr. Lauto attend both of their Earth Day Press Conferences as an expert witness on Environmental and Energy topics for television news and radio talk shows.
By 1994 the Internet was being explored as a tool to provide energy saving information. Having the foresight, Mr. Lauto launched the Light Bulb HotLine web site off of the company's Domain in 1995.
The author, L. J. Williams just recently wrote,
"Anything done for only immediate gratification and/or short term accomplishment, is not honorable to do at all. This refers to everything - everything." - LJW 1996.
Our web building work just began a few years ago in 1994 and now with the Light Bulb HotLine web site, we will continue until we are helping to make a difference.

Bill Lauto is available for speaking engagements for corporations, institutions and organizations. He will address areas where we have been misinformed and talk about long term solutions inspired by teamwork.
Updated Blog Post - Article to Published on Light Bulb Hotline to GoingTrueGreen.com
Bill Lauto, at GoingTrueGreen.com
Environmental Scientist
International Sustainability and Energy Consultant
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