The reason for not watering is because there isn't enough water. Yet, if that isn't reason enough, there are higher water costs and fines to endure. For the average and low income families, that is all understood. However, in towns such as Pacific Palisades, Beverly Hills, and Bel Air, those lawns have been "green" the longest according to local news papers. Some of the very people maintaining lush green lawns for as long as they can in this devastating drought, are financially secured celebrities that many low income kids look up to. Some reports have claimed that well known and very vocal environment friendly celebs, are the most heinous offenders! Only after being identified and embarrassed did they take steps to save clean drinking water.
Recently the L.A.'s DWP, Department of Water and Power, increased the amount from $1.50 to $2.00 per square foot for grass removed so even more water can be saved. At that rebate price, some land owners could make one or two thousand dollars. However, before you run out to buy rocks and tear up your lawn, you have to follow set rules. You can find details on your local town or city website. Such as the LADWP, (Los Angeles Department of Water and Power), website for how to get pre-approval to present before and after proof. Without following the rules for proposed changes, you may not receive any rebate or tax credit.
All of us must take water saving steps, drought or no drought. The reasons are many and one is because clean drinking water has already become hard to find in many places around the world. Water is the first topic that I address in my Online Workshop available to all Lifetime GTG Members.
Visit our Lifetime Membership program for details, online class about water is available to all members. Please use the GTG Membership Link above to become a member or sign in if you are already a GTG Lifetime member. Thank you.
You will not be tested by me, but life may test your grandchildren.
Can you teach them what they need to know?
Bill Lauto , GTG
Environmental Scientist
International Sustainability and Energy Consultant
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