Did any Media Outlet cover this story? NO. They were all busy covering National Donut Day! That is right, forget about how and what you eat, never mind how everything we do is connected! Go get a Free Donut with any cup of high-fructose, lactose loaded, double caffeine driven, artificially infused flavored whipped cream covered, a la Grande Latte! Oh and don't forget one of those flavoring ingredients may have PG in it. PG is Propylene Glycol. The ordorless chemical compound in Anti-Freeze, but don't worry it is only used in food to maintain flavor, moisture and texture.
"In humans the side effects of PG may include conjunctivitis, rash, irritation, burning, and possible organ and central nervous system damage. Notwithstanding, the FDA maintains that the low levels of PG in our food, in and of itself, does not pose a significant threat to our health. That's almost tantamount to saying that eating a little bit of poison won't kill you. One thing is for sure, eating a small amount of poison or something that is toxic is certainly not good for you." This paragraph is quoted from the Scales Of Justice blog at: Click Here
I am sorry to say this, but America, our priorities are all screwed up. Today was to be 7 Billion Dreams. 1 Planet. Consume with Care. NOT, Zero Dreams, 1 Free Donut and Consume with Greed.
Bill Lauto , GTG
Environmental Scientist
International Sustainability and Energy Consultant
at GoingTrueGreen.com
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