So put down the cell phone, stop with the social media for three minutes, look up and notice your world. Your grandparents did things that made our world a better place, more sustainable. Compared to us - they were Superheroes.
So what did they do?
What stops us from doing what they did?
What is the secret to be a Superhero?
First thing you must realize to be a Superhero, you don't go running around with a mask and a cape! A true Superhero gets their power from knowledge.
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Many everyday tasks that supported a "sustainable" life have been lost in today's modern society. This has created a precarious pattern:
Production of throw away items leads to less reusable items such as a glass or mug. Modern kitchen appliances such as a garbage compactor leads to less composting, which leads to less gardens growing food, which leads to dependence on processed food, which spurs production of GMO food, ad infinitum.
Bill Lauto, GTG
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