Therefore to maintain the part of my mission where helping to save our environment and saving energy does not mean making sacrifices to our current lifestyle, I am happy to report the following:
When I hear the word wool, I get itchy just thinking about wearing clothes made of wool. However, pullover sweaters made of Merino Wool is not your standard itchy wool. No sacrifices made by wearing Merino Wool when purchased on sale. This is truly a sustainable material to make fabric from and unlike clothes made with plastic, we will not be contributing any possible long term harm to our environment. I will present additional details and facts in my Going True Green blogs next year on clothes made with plastic and consequences when washing them, (click here for that GTG blog post) but for now I am just sharing some small steps I am taking. Perhaps this is a good time for all of us to consider wearing more cotton and wool clothes to live a little happier and healthier New Year.
Bill Lauto, at GoingTrueGreen.com
Environmental Scientist
International Sustainability and Energy Consultant
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