Energy created by humans started with the burning of wood. From wood we made charcoal. The making of charcoal is an ancient technology. Basically make a fire in a pit, cover it with mud and later reclaim the partially combusted pieces of wood, now called charcoal, to burn again. (Charcoal burns hotter and is used today by people in poor nations.)
From charcoal, humans progressed to coal, a rock dug out of the ground; and mixed in that time frame also came energy from: wind, hydro, oil, gas, solar, nuclear, geothermal and finally the energy answer: Hydrogen Fuel Cells operating with hydrogen molecules obtained from collected FREE rain water.
Needless to say the trauma doesn’t conclude with our stalled energy progress. The process of progression for energy production is also halted in all the disadvantaged nations among us. From Haiti to the Congo the far left, with the unspoken approval of the far right, are helping to keep poor nations poor. In the name of saving the environment, the far left prevents disadvantaged nations from progressing with their energy production process like we did. Harboring arrogance and greed, while yelling, “We must help the poor,” both sides have denied these countries the transition away from wood and charcoal.
The people in disadvantaged countries become trapped by using charcoal and kerosene, causing ill health and carbon footprints that harm our environment. Who are we, in the already energy advanced countries, to tell the people who are poor that they can’t progress on their own toward better solutions?
Perhaps from one of these poor nations a young student with morals and scruples will provide us with the break-throughs for successful hydrogen fuel cells to be our world’s solution. We all know that many countries already have hydrogen fuel cell technology, sadly greed is preventing further development because after equipment purchase there is only maintenance fees, no monthly fuel or utility bills.
A hydrogen fuel cell energy answer would work with a system that collects FREE rain water and as needed, the membrane component, will separate the hydrogen molecules from the freely collected rain water (not from natural gas) with FREE electric power created from the Sun with a few solar panels. A small battery backup will suffice for cloudy days and night time because the electricity made by the fuel cell will always be recharging the battery. The hydrogen molecules run the fuel cell that makes FREE electricity to power the house, office and our car. The byproduct is water.
So because our energy answer and carbon free energy solution has an equation filled with the word FREE, greed has prevented all the established and wealthy nations around the world from reaching the energy answer goal needed for humankind.
The far left and the far right in unspoken harmony hurt the poor even more by causing harm to our world’s environment just to show a profit or secure their position in office. Let it be done through donations, fear mongering, movies, books, corrupt politicians, pseudo-education, implausible plans, suspicious deals, mislead organizations or sales of fuels such as gas and oil.
Now allow me another minute to answer the question that has been circling through everyone’s thought patterns as reading this promulgation.
Why on the topic of energy, would the far right agree with the far left?
There is information and evidence, on this ungodly agreement showing millions of dollars have exchanged from one hand to another in political donations and failed solutions. The reason for the far right to support the far left’s failed solutions are obvious. In the 1990s, both sides started in earnest to prevent the opening of safe and low waste 4th generation nuclear power plants. Nuclear power is also carbon free. In the name of the “environment,” the emphasis placed on solar and wind to replace oil, hydroelectric dams, gas and nuclear was put on steroids… while keeping their sinister secret just out of sight.
This secret has taken me some time to come to terms with, because after all, we all want to believe the sales pitch. Sadly, we are all being sold a bill of goods. The media doesn’t care about the complete truth because sensationalizing makes them far more money than journalism. Corruption can infect everyone. These dishonest people in the media, politics, Hollywood and corporations, belong to the COC, “Collective Of Corruption”.
Here is the bottom line: If solar and wind replaces oil and gas completely, more harm will be done to our environment due to the need for backup systems. The mathematical equations showing power production comparisons DO NOT add up for these systems. The far right knows this and thus, by supporting solar and wind under the table, they ensure their sales of oil and gas. Oil and gas need no backup batteries, they need no vast amount of land like solar or wind farms. The amount of harm to our environment and land confiscation for solar and wind to meet the world’s energy needs will create more problems in the long run. From carbon emissions with manufacturing to more wildlife displaced or killed as land is consumed. From short production lifespans to toxic waste buildup. The complete picture is unavoidable and unfeasible.
For example, Hydroelectric dams are not popular due to the amount of land needed to hold the built up water. This will displace wildlife and plant life. Yet, why are solar farms popular when they take up more land and produce less power per square meter? More wildlife and plant life is disrupted by solar farms. Additionally, dams last longer, use less material that is toxic in production and in recycling. Some calculations state similar solar output would use 16 times more materials and 300 times more waste than a modern dam. Then the E-Waste goes to poor nations where the toxins will leach into their ground water supply.
As far as a transition source of energy toward Hydrogen Fuel Cells that work off of rain water and on demand so we do not risk storing hydrogen, dams are better than solar. Sadly, these complete facts are not presented by the media which only wants to sensationalize the story. Some data on the scrapped plans for a modern carbon free hydroelectric dam in the Congo would produce enough electric power for the entire country… no wait, enough power for the entire continent of Africa. Thus setting the people free to improve life on their own. They could start by finding better politicians, inventing cost cutting technology for fuel cells and telling foreigners to stop mandating policies upon them under the lie of saving earth. When energy advanced countries keep people poor in energy and spirit, after their own country moves ahead and stops before hydrogen fuel cells save the world, that is a sin. Where there is hypocrisy, there is corruption.
The math doesn’t add up for solar and wind as the complete solution, nor are dams, geothermal, oil, gas and nuclear. However, for those with the authoritarian power:
The more payoffs accepted to stop transitional 4th generation nuclear plants that are safe and operate for 60 years with a fraction of waste; the more oil and gas sold.
The more land needed for solar farms and battery back ups that provide no reasonable payback or needed duration of supply; the more oil and gas sold.
The more wind farms that take up space, kill migrating birds, insects and bats, along with windless days and aged out equipment; the more oil and gas sold.
The more prevention of developing the energy answer hydrogen fuel cells, that operate on demand with water; the more oil and gas sold.
Now don’t misinterpret what I am saying, I have solar, I use solar, I produce more than I consume. However, while I have no electric bill due to my energy efficient house and solar panels, I still need to make hot water and heat my home. So I use the cleanest transition fuel available to me along with my 95% energy efficient heating system. That fuel is natural gas. The previous owner used oil with a 72% efficient heating system. When I researched using solar instead of gas, I found that I would need to double the number of solar panels that I am already using. I don’t have the space nor the money for 25 more panels. Additionally, I would need another 25 solar panels just to charge up batteries for nights and cloudy days so I could be off the grid. Again, I don’t have the space or the money. Then there is no reasonable payback on the costs for the battery backup system and I have yet to charge up any electric car. Additionally, what about the recycling issues after an expected 20 year lifespan for the panels? Read more data at my Dead Solar Panels blog post.
As an individual, I am doing the best I can on many environmental fronts. I must because this isn’t just my job, this is a passion. Yet, I am distraught, because one doesn’t have to look far to see hypocrisy like a major city pretending to help the environment with passing a policy that stops new construction from using natural gas. Electricity must be used instead, but what fuel is being used at the utility’s power plant in the neighborhood with high cases of asthma to make that electricity? Most likely oil, not a solar or wind farm. And yet these same policy makers cry out that we need environmental justice for the poor. Who is hurting the poor when you block one of the cleaner fuels, such as gas, to help us while we transition toward carbon free hydrogen fuel cells. Alas, we are not in transition anymore because monthly money can’t be made off of everyone with their own hydrogen fuel cell in their home, office and car.
These are the truths. Humankind has always faced truths such as these. Until regular honest people step up to serve the people and not get rich off of the people, we will always have the poor, along with the poor of heart, mind, soul and a politicized environment.
To LEAD, one must SERVE.
Wishing and praying for all of us to have a happy New Year.
If anyone wishes to see sources of implicating data in support of this blog, please email me with full contact info and I will be happy to respond.
Bill Lauto, at
Environmental Scientist
International Sustainability and Energy Consultant
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