Father Pascual already forwarded the poster they printed up for my lecture and since I was speaking on the day that I arrived, most advice received told me to stay awake. "Do not take a nap before the lecture," was the prevailing advice.
So after waking up Monday morning, leaving late afternoon, flying all night (and not sleeping), arrive 7am Rome time, head to the hotel, wait for the room to be ready, have a light meal, shower and dress for the lecture, arrive at the Pontificio Regina Apostolorum at 4pm, met the logistic coordinator who introduced me to a few sisters and seminarians, HIT THE WALL at 4:30pm, had a double espresso in the cafeteria, met the translator, set up for the camera and audience, present my lecture at 5:30pm, then answer questions, meet priests, seminarians and other attending professors, receive a private tour of the Shroud Research Center at the Institute with Father Pascual, exchange buona nottes and ciao, head back to the hotel to fall fast asleep after 33 hours being awake... the event was amazing!
In turn, what I shared with them, they will use to teach environmental, energy, and money saving actions that help us all live happier and healthier. Actions that can be used by their families, friends, schools, hospitals, churches, parishioners and whoever they meet in life. Actions that do not cause us to make sacrifices, but help us hold a moral responsibility and stewardship toward God's Green Earth.
I have been receiving emails from these seminarians thanking me and I am truly grateful. However, I am the one who is thankful for them.
Bill Lauto, at GoingTrueGreen.com
Environmental Scientist
International Sustainability and Energy Consultant
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