This is just an astounding operandi from one of Corporate America's leaders. For those of us who find ourselves following such a leader that heedlessly promulgates such wasteful actions, we must see the cliff's edge approaching and immediately change direction or stop following.
This MO by AT&T is a waste of our money, our trees and our energy supply. In return, AT&T will raise our costs to cover this type of foolish expense.
Back Story:
First the customer was informed that they owed AT&T a total of 15 cents after closing an account.
The customer's bank stated no Electronic payments can be made under 99 cents.
The customer had to write a check, buy a stamp, envelope and mail to AT&T.
Thus, elements of our environment, energy supply and money were consumed.
AT&T mails a check back to the customer for an undisclosed reason.
AGAIN paper, stamps, trees, gas, etc. was consumed to mail the customer a grand total of:
TWO CENTS! (See the actual check above)
Lesson Learned:
When you are working with or doing business with anyone person or entity, be mindful that they are accountable for their actions. If not, go in a different direction or better still, become a leader yourself.
All AT&T had to do is EMAIL the customer and ask them to add the 15 cents due to any future donation being made by the customer for a charity. This should be Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for any leading American corporation when FINAL amounts under 99 cents are due. If the customer fails to make a donation or add to donations, that is between them and God.
Anyway, that is just my two cents, literally.
Bill Lauto, GTG
P.S. GoingTrueGreen has a new look on the Home Page. Also I am interviewed under the GTG Communicate Link.