Does changing over to energy saving bulbs also save on the Air Conditioning electric bill?

When you shut the lights you not only save on the electric bill, you also save BTUs for your air conditioning. Approximately 3.4 BTUs are saved for every watt no longer in use and not giving off heat.
There are 12,000 BTUs per ton, thus using more efficient lighting will make the indoor environment more comfortable and save even more on the electric bill when the air conditioning is calculated in.
Visit our other GoingTrueGreen.com web pages for more information on energy and money saving light bulbs, such as LEDs. Just use our SEARCH BOX at the very top of each GTG web page.
Updated Blog Post - From EnergyHotwire.com to GoingTrueGreen.com
Bill Lauto, at GoingTrueGreen.com
Environmental Scientist
International Sustainability and Energy Consultant
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