Family, Friends and Business Associates,
Yes, this is an official letter from Bill “Light Bulb” Lauto. This Bob “add anything you like” Hope type name was given to me by Mr. Mark Green, the Commissioner of Consumer Affairs for New York City when I joined him for a Press Conference as the Energy Advisor for the Earth Day Committee on the twentieth anniversary. Now while I will be happy to help anyone with changing your old inefficient light bulbs to the “correct” Energy, Money and Environment saving ones, that is not why I am writing to everyone.
I enclose with this letter a pamphlet from the National Audubon Society which I’ll write about in a few lines. First I want to ask you a few “Did you know” questions.
Did you know back in 1990 it was proven that the FREE sunlight focused by mirrors onto a “power tower” (a large container of water) will produce steam (approximately 900 degrees centigrade) and then when combined with methane gas it will produce carbon monoxide and hydrogen, called Synthesis gas? Did you also know this Synthesis gas can travel through pipes from the power tower’s solar site out in the country or desert to a long term storage site or to a city where this Synthesis gas can be placed in a Methanator, which separates the methane and steam. The methane is sent back to the solar site to be reused and the steam is used to power turbines and create electricity! The result is no burning gases (no carbon dioxide), no air pollution, no nuclear waste, no oil spills or shortages, no contribution to a possible Greenhouse effect and most important, no more expensive electric bills!
Now due to Free sunlight, long term storage, reusable gas and lower electric bills, most of us will not see this technology put to use anytime soon. Unless, there is a war, a major natural disaster or “Public Pressure” demanding technology like this to be implemented.
The short sighted and all mighty dollar worshipping power companies will never take major and momentous steps to lower operating expenses which in turn will lower electric bills. Believe me, I know. I use to work for a major power company. We the people have to ask and demand that the technology like this be put to use today. If we don’t, our children or grandchildren will only learn about this thirty years from now. Just another technology “shelved” like FM radio and air bags were years ago.
One last note. New systems will always cost a little more at first. However, after the system is paid for, there is only the operation expense and with fuel provided by the sun at no charge, our bills will be lower. If you have any questions, please call me at my Light Bulb Hot Line number: 1-516/822-BULB (2852). I’m listed as a Solar Brigade leader with a large source of information and facts available.
Remember, this Earth which we live on is not just our home, it is also a gift. If we don’t speak up, who will?
Bill Lauto
P.S. Tell a friend!