Well, let us try this… How would you like to know how you can save money by getting something for Free “Out Of Thin Air?” Too good to be true, right? This time the answer is TRUE!
Do you have flowers, plants, or crops? Do you spend money on buying fertilizer to help your garden grow? If yes, then you are wasting your money on a product that you really don’t need because you can get fertilizer for free out of thin air!
When a lightning storm occurs, that will naturally fertilize all living plants! The science behind this is as follows: Lightning causes the nitrogen molecules in the air to cling to the oxygen molecules. This bond forms nitrogen oxides. The nitrogen oxides will either fall from the sky or be collected by the rain drops. Fertilizer’s main ingredient is nitrogen. So stop buying a product that God provides to us for free.
Now to enhance this Free benefit from the sky, many farmers will run bare copper wiring around copper stakes to form a loop around the flower patch or tomato plants. The copper wire will attract static electricity and add more nitrogen to the soil. However, I found the following to be an easier step and a better solution.
First, nitrogen from lightning will not be enough for many plants to grow as strong or as big as you may like. However, that is seen by some people as one’s own opinion. NASA has data showing that more than 2,000 thunderstorms take place around the world at any given time. Combined, these storms produce at least 100 lightning flashes per second. Yet, in addition to nitrogen helping plant life, so does bacteria. That is the extra step I take to fertilizer my plants and food that I grow. COMPOSTING.
I make my own dirt, aka Top Soil, aka Fertilizer. To read more about how to fertilize for free and save even more money, go to my GoingTrueGreen.com Blog dated 4-7-2015 under the Topic called Composting. The title of the blog is: There Is Money In Composting
These are just two more Going True Green actions to living a more sustainable life that saves you money, energy, health, and our environment! Now that is Going True Green.
Bill Lauto, at GoingTrueGreen.com
Environmental Scientist
International Sustainability and Energy Consultant
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