However the shopper is going NUTS trying to understand food labels just to buy healthy and support a sustainable environment. Most people will invest a limited amount of time to get beyond the confusion of all the labels, but without real government guidelines and laws, consumers find themselves in a quandary.
Our goal at GTG is to help clear the confusion with explanations of these important labels. Each week a new posting will be presented and when completed, our Category called Food Labels Decoded, can be used anytime as a reference tool. There are several different labels on the market, here are a few examples:
Allergen Labeling, Biodynamic, Cage-Free, Farm Raised, Heart Healthy, Hormone-Free Meat or rBGH-Free Dairy, Natural, All Natural, 100% Natural, Organic, 100% Organic, Rainforest Alliance, Shade Grown, UTZ Certified, 100% Vegetarian Ingredients, Wild Caught.
In the end, the solution is not with companies working to produce more food with GMOs on less farms to feed the masses, but with more people being allowed to grow their own 100% Organic food, unrestricted by legal battles!
Bill Lauto, at
Environmental Scientist
International Sustainability and Energy Consultant
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