An interesting note is that EHW wasn't our first website. By 1994 the Internet was being explored as a tool to provide energy saving information. Recognizing a need, I first launched the Light Bulb HotLine web site off of my company's Domain in 1996. Then in April of 2001, EnergyHotwire.com was created. At the end of 2001, EnergyHotwire.com started to work on a stronger effort to present energy saving data and the Light Bulb HotLine web pages were phased out.
Today, most of the data on EHW is now on GoingTrueGreen.com. Instead of pages with text and photos, we now have videos, online classes and an official Blog dating back to my published articles from the 1980s. Over recent years we have continued re-presenting data from EHW on GTG. Obviously, most information has become redundant between the two websites. So at the end of this June, EnergyHotWire will be retired.
Below are just a few of the comments and emails, in part, that we received over the years:
Best Regards, PV
Bill, Thanks for the quick response. I found out about these bulbs at Safeway and I wish I knew about your website sooner, I would have saved myself about $40 to $50 bucks or more and had better bulbs too. I'm going to buy the case and take them out to my cabin over on Afognak island.
PV - 2002
I just emailed my brother Frank to read your outstanding article posted at www.Energy Hotwire.com
Phenomenal writing, I really enjoyed it.
Joe, Buffalo New York - 2002
I'll keep in touch.
Brett in Texas - 2003
Thank you for your fantastic presentation at the North Shore Audubon meeting. I had such positive feedback from our members and I believe you gave them enough information to actually make a change. Even my husband, the electrician, learned a thing or two. Thank you especially for coming out under such a stressful time.
Wish you peace and happiness in the coming year.
Mary - 2007
Bill Lauto, at GoingTrueGreen.com
Environmental Scientist
International Sustainability and Energy Consultant
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