Over the years Going True Green has provided a wealth of data to help individual Americans lower the extra costs associated with any Heat Wave. From driving your car to running your central air conditioner, from drinking water to watering gardens, we have the information to help save you money, energy, earth, and health.
If you just want a fast tip or two, those can be obtain from any electric utility company. This is great Public Relations and Free Publicity for them, but these “tips” do very little to help you save the maximum. After all, the utility is selling you the electric energy!
Nevertheless, if you truly wish to live a more sustainable life and save Money, Energy, Earth, and your Health, then you have to do more than hear a tip or two over the radio or evening news. To help you reach your maximum potential, we are providing you with several LINKs below. Some go to Going True Green Blog posts, some go to Videos, and one goes to an online Workshop.
Knowledge is the Power
Implementation is the Victory"
- L. J. Williams, 2007
Online Workshop class teaching all about water from drinking to flushing toilets:
Video on AC units and Heat Waves:
Saving Money with your car's MPG and on those HOT summer trips:
Saving Money with watering the lawn:
Contractors, Insulation and Cooling your house for much less:
How to keep your Attic cooler and your House:
Bill Lauto, at Going True Green
Environmental Scientist
International Sustainability and Energy Consultant
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