Topic related GTG Video at our Youtube ChannelAre you having a Heat Wave?
Using the W.H.I.L.E. Formula will help you when buying a new window or through the wall AC unit. This formula tells you the BTU size you will need to cool your room efficiently.
Sometimes salespeople at stores use a formula that only helps to sell inventory. So it is best for you to calculate your BTU size before you even leave your house.
W = Width of your room
H = Height of your room
I = Insulation value in the walls
plug in the value of 10 for "I" when you have well insulated walls with R-13 or higher insulation value.
plug in the value of 18 for "I" when you have poorly insulated walls with R-11 or less.
L = Length of your room
E = Exposure
Take the longest wall in the room that is exposed to the outside and see which direction that wall faces:
plug in the value of 16 if that wall is facing North
plug in the value of 17 if that wall is facing East
plug in the value of 18 if that wall is facing South
plug in the value of 20 if that wall is facing West
Then multiply W x H x I x L x E divided by 60 to equal the BTU size you need
The WHILE formula DOES NOT calculate factors such as:
- Body heat, are you having a party? Body heat adds up.
- Window exposure, are they facing south or west or both? Do you have and use shades or curtains?
- Large openings into the room without doors.
- An Upstairs room, an uninsulated or poorly insulated Attic floor above, and/or is your roof Flat?
- Uninsulated Basement ceiling below.
Also don't worry about the most efficient model costing $75 or $125 dollars more, you will save that difference on the electric bill within the first full season of use. Please watch our related video for more detail info and extra facts. The Link is below. Thank you.
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