Who needs shelter? Everyone... and please make the house fast, affordable, strong, with less waste, energy efficient, climate resilient, sustainable, spacious and adaptable to unique design changes.
While that sounds like an impossible order, in reality this dream has become possible. Many developers are getting involved with this new technology; and one named ICON in Austin, Texas has already increased affordable housing and built 400 square foot houses for the homeless. The basic model has high ceilings, some skylights and large windows, all making the house very spacious in appearance. Building a home like this can take a little as 24 hours!
Additionally, larger buildings can also be made with modifications to the giant printers. ICON built their first houses with the nonprofit Mobile Loaves and Fishes in Austin. The name of the site is Community First! Village and the new home owners love them. Several companies are now using this technology around the world. Many are now saying that this new technology will end the homeless and affordability crisis.

The second image shows the double wall of the house. After electrical wires are in place, the space between the two walls will have a high density insulating foam injected to increase energy efficiency. Inside and outside walls can also be finished with other decorative material such as stucco or panelling. However, those steps are optional and not necessary.
Bill Lauto, at GoingTrueGreen.com
Environmental Scientist
International Sustainability and Energy Consultant
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