Back on February 17, 2016 my blog titled "Is Recycling Striking Out?" and on May 16, 2018 called "Caught Looking! Strike Three!" were about this very issue. Now our Townships want us to think this change is by the hands of the International Recycling Market. No, the change started at America's Townships trying to make more money and cutting corners. Townships did away with multi-level sorting and we no longer had to rinse out glass jars. End results: We are no longer recycling Glass! Glass, one of the very first items that was recycled. Why? Because the Townships of America were saving money by not washing out the glass and they told us years earlier that we no longer had to rinse out the jars, so they could accumulate more glass. America started to send more and more "dirty" Glass to China. China finally said they will no longer buy dirty glass from our recycling system. This issue is the same with all recycled items.
Bill Lauto, at
Environmental Scientist
International Sustainability and Energy Consultant
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