Back in April of 2001, stepped in to replace our Light Bulb HotLine site. At the end of 2001, started to work on a stronger effort to present energy saving data. On every Earth Day since then, we add more details to our web site to meet our Mission:
To teach details about lowering energy bills, not entertain
or scratch the surface with tidbits of tips.
Our ultimate goal is for all of us to make a difference and a lasting positive impact on our wallets, our world’s environment and our children’s future.
To our children and grandchildren:
So that our efforts today are appreciated tomorrow, because we did not leave the problems created by our parents and us for our children to solve at the eleventh hour.
The author, L. J. Williams wrote,
"Just give me the seeds and I will produce for you a thanksgiving feast." - LJW 1985
Thank you,
Bill Lauto