I first reviewed seven solar companies over several months before going with the company that impressed me the most by knowing all the facts and answering all of my queries. Their lease programs have made a solar system feasible with no money out of pocket. However, if you don't make your house energy efficient you are only robbing yourself of your own money. I currently have several thousand Kilowatt hours saved up in my Utility company's bank and that is with central air operating on hot summer days. I can roll over that extra power for next year or turn in those Kilowatts to my Utility company for a check at about half the rate I pay them. I will be saving them for a backup supply on short winter days with cloud cover when the sun is low in the sky and my system isn't producing as much power.
I have accomplished "Kilowatt hours in the bank" without any rocket science, but by using the current technology we already have to do more and consume less. For example, I have solar power outdoor lights on motion sensors, my refrigerator with the freezer at that top is the MOST energy efficient one made, I have LED lights, and my entertainment system has a wireless wall mounted switch to power down for saving about $20 a month off all the components' "stand-by" electricity consumption. I also replaced the most used light switches around the house with infrared motion sensor switches.
If you are interested in going with solar, you can email us through this GoingTrueGreen.com website and we will be happy to provide additional basic info and what company I found to be the most impressive. Also for specific steps to reduce your own electric consumption without sacrifice you may contact us for information on a full house audit. After some energy saving steps you too can be saving big and making your solar system shine bright for you!
Bill Lauto , GTG
Environmental Scientist
International Sustainability and Energy Consultant
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