Have you ever looked up when sitting in your Church? How about the lobby of your children's grammar school? Perhaps you never noticed what hangs in the electric socket of the utility closet in your office building, but there is a good chance that an unfriendly monster bulb is right over your head!
The next time you are under a light, take a look up! If you see one of these...
...Don't scream! Just take the necessary steps so you can change to a friendly monster bulb like the one on the right. What will be the end results? Photo example below details: Twenty (20) fixtures each with a 300 watt bulb inside a church. Each 300 watt bulb was replaced with a 65 watt energy saving bulb that provides the same light level. Approximate use per year is only 1,110 hours. About 884 hours at off peak rates of .04 and 226 hours at Peak rates of .24 per KWH, plus a nine cent service charge, a/k/a Demand Rate, for all hours. TOTAL 1 year electric cost for old lights: $ 1,137.00 TOTAL 1 year electric cost for new lights: $ 243.00 SAVINGS per year: $ 894.00 Learn to calculate your own electric bill. Cost to buy the 20 new 65 watt bulbs that give off the same amount of light as the old 300 watt bulbs: Approx. $ 260.00 PAYBACK on Investment: Three and half months! (3.5) |

1.) First contact the necessary people...
Perhaps the example of numbers above showing savings on the electric bill will prove helpful.

2.) Remove (in this photographic example) the 300 watt incandescent bulb with a larger Mogul socket base...
These bulbs are also made with a Medium or Edison base socket.

3.) Put in a 65 watt energy saving bulb that gives off the same amount of light as the old 300 watt bulb...
NOTE: Make sure the 65 watt energy saving bulb has the same size Mogul socket base, gives off the same warm COLOR of LIGHT that you want, and will fit in your fixture.

Sizing Notes:
65 watts = to 300
10.24 inches tall
3.54 inches wide
Mogul Socket
YES, other Sizes are available!
Bill Lauto, at GoingTrueGreen.com
Environmental Scientist
International Sustainability and Energy Consultant
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