Several people take on a significant resolution each year and the more involved or complex that resolution is, the more we find ourselves failing to keeping that promise. Many people believe they just can't be "green" and being "True Green" that is impossible. Maybe I can be a mild shade of green, like lime green, but never a deep forest green because that is asking too much.
Let me put you at ease, nobody is asking anyone to go directly to a True Green lifestyle. After 30 years in my field, I am still not true green. I am working towards that goal to this day and I will achieve my mission soon enough. The bottom line is to know that I am not going true green over night. I am going one shade of green at a time.
I have been making small decisions that are attainable within my own budget of time and money, year after year. Small steps that have added up to significant differences not only for me, but for my planet's future.
For example, if you are like me, you probably received a few more coffee mugs as a gift this Christmas with your name or a relatable ID mark on the mugs. So instead of stuffing other mugs into your cupboard, bring two or three of them to work to avoid using disposable cups. Just one small resolution for this year that is possible and we will all be the better for that.
Bill Lauto , GTG
Environmental Scientist
International Sustainability and Energy Consultant
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