The twentieth anniversary of Earth Day was a great success across the country and I was honored to be the Environmental and Energy Advisor to New York City's Earth Day Committee.
Now that I have a website on the internet, I would like to share the Press Release involving some of the facts that I provided at the twentieth anniversary of Earth Day in New York City:
Bill Lauto, at
Environmental Scientist
International Sustainability and Energy Consultant
Contribute your comments!

by William J. Lauto; Environmental Scientist, Naturalist, International Sustainability & Energy Consultant
Is Humankind creating Plastic Clouds?
How are microscopic plastic particulates getting into our atmosphere?
What are weathered CEDPs?
From plastic sparkles on cards to outdoor plastic fence decor, are we all guilty?
What are the solutions and isn't all of humankind on the same team?
Please use the Image Link to more information on my book. Thank you.