Basically any building will benefit from the wind chill factor being reduced by a Windbreak. Well designed windbreaks reduce energy costs up to 40 percent. The type of structure your house is made of and the overall efficiency of your heating system are just a few factors that determine the total savings.
However, please realize that even if a savings of up to 40 percent is realized, that savings is NOT a 40 percent reduction in the total heating bill. The savings is 40 percent off the total amount of heat being lost by the house due to not having a Windbreak.
For example: If heating is costing 7% more a year to keep the house warm because there is no Windbreak, then a 40% savings of that 7% heat lost will be saved after a Windbreak is installed. Also we must allow for the time the trees take to grow.
Updated Blog Post - From EnergyHotwire.com to GoingTrueGreen.com
Bill Lauto, at GoingTrueGreen.com
Environmental Scientist
International Sustainability and Energy Consultant
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