Since I don't want to add any fuel to the fire of misconceptions by using verbiage that can be misconstrued, I contacted Dr. Stephen Schwartz at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) for additional insight. Dr. Schwartz is the Senior Scientist for BNL's Environmental and Climate Sciences Department.
"Hard to attribute specific events (warm seasons or extreme events) to a particular cause given inherent variability associated with climate." Dr. Schwartz presented. "But temperature seems to be inexorably rising. Still, we had quite low temps here two winters ago while much of Northern Hemisphere was near the record high, a consequence of location of loops on Jet Stream. So no climatologist will draw conclusions from one or a few seasons. That said the record high global temps in 2015 and 2016 are consistent with warming expected from increases in GreenHouse Gasses."
Another question was about the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) allegedly altering numbers to support a Climate Change narrative. Dr. Schwartz stated, "No evidence that NOAA is manipulating data to achieve a political objective. Always hard to prove a negative. But analyses of temperature data by several groups all coincide closely."
Many times, I have experienced these type of generalized questions only leading to a debate on who should we blame. For me, the Blame Game is useless. We don't know definitely what outcome will come upon us from a changing climate or warmer ocean temperatures. We also do not know the time frame for when something bad or good will occur. Needless to say, a good or bad outcome, does not matter. The bottom line is this: With what we do know about our planet's climate there should not be a single company or individual in our world, that would want to RISK our children's future. This is the reason why at, we teach everyone how to live a more sustainable life! The reasons for doing so are not based on fear or blithe, they are because of the following:
- You save MONEY, lots of money.
- You save ENERGY, thus saving more Money.
- Improve your HEALTH.
- Improve our ENVIRONMENT and yes, perhaps save the world.
Everyone can accomplish all of the above without any sacrifice to the lifestyle known. If you peruse some of my blog posts, you will soon learn my own firsthand accounts and how saving Money, Energy, Health, and our Environment is personally satisfying and financially rewarding.
Bill Lauto, at Going True Green
Environmental Scientist
International Sustainability and Energy Consultant
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