From this, Carl Fisher who developed Miami Beach in the 1920s, wanted to make Montauk the "Miami of the North" for the summer months. Therefore, all those that can afford the travel, would be able enjoy beach weather all year long without the extreme heat. Miami beaches would be enjoyed in the winter months and Montauk beaches in the summertime. Plans were drawn up to construct hotels, restaurants and clubs to accommodate the potential crowds visiting Montauk in the summer.
For Mr. Fisher, alas, his dream did not come true for one main reason. This reason is the lesson never learned and now a major contributing factor as to why so many cities are sinking, and sinking fast...
Major coastal cities around the world today are sinking and facing flooding caused by the all encompassing battle cry prediction under climate change. Cities such as Miami are losing land to the rising water levels, but is that the complete truth?
The journal Geophysical Research Letters published a study of 99 cities with the end result showing some of the major cities around the world are sinking more than the rising sea around them. How can that be? This is by far a threat more urgent than previously predicted under climate change. Yet, climate change (I prefer, a changing climate) does not have anything to do with this phenomenon. This is what the study reported:
Over 33 cities are sinking more than one centimeter per year. At that rate we find based on data from the PNAS, (National Academy of Sciences) a peer reviewed journal that offered recent estimates of global sea-level rise, we have a sinking rate that is five times faster than the rising seawater levels.
The fastest sinking cities are located in Southeast Asia. Indonesia's capital has a city with 10.5 million people. This city, Jakarta, is sinking fast. So while these cities are not sinking fast because of climate change, they are sinking fast because of other humankind actions.
From InSAR (Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar), a technique for mapping ground deformation using radar images of the Earth's surface, we have collected data from orbiting satellites that show the following:

Subsidence is when land settles or is compacted due to a drastic change well underground. Subsidence is the cause for many of our cities sinking at a faster rate. All of humankind's actions to pump groundwater up and out, causes buildings to sink more and more. If the "Miami of the North" became a reality like Miami in Florida, we would now be comparing the problems of a sinking Miami to a sinking Montauk.
We must now rethink our developments and paving over our land with blacktop and cement. All of this prevents rain from recharging the water tables below. A process that takes centuries when not disrupted. Additional, alternatives must be found so massive extraction of groundwater is reduced or stopped. One advantage New York City has is that their drinking water reservoirs are upstate and not a contributing factor to reducing the water tables below the city. Around the start of this century, the Indonesian government has been regulating the extraction of groundwater. The city of Jakarta was sinking on average 20 centimeters a year for the past three decades. Recently, after new citywide actions, the city only sank 3 centimeters in the past seven years.
So because the media is only pushing a narrative that makes advertisement dollars, they fail to present the complete truth to the public. After all, the media deems facts and truth boring. End result, a delay in knowing the complete story and bringing forth real solutions.
Bill Lauto, at GoingTrueGreen.com
Environmental Scientist
International Sustainability and Energy Consultant
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