Thinking of all the speaking engagements I have done over the past thirty years I am most eager to present at this symposium because of the topic to be discussed. Despite being a broad topic, the very essence of the title allows us to focus on our own future and what world we will leave for our children's children. Energy's future is upon us now, when and how the different forms of energy are implemented is completely up to humankind. Living a more sustainable life also comes down to our own choices and our ability to overcome enemies such as greed, fear, and our attitudes. Attitudes that reveal Business’ missions to increase the profit margin at any cost; misguided goals; misinformed conclusions; lack of morals and virtue; self righteous assessments that place a higher value on one self over other humans, animals, and nature; spurning the fact about everyone and everything is connected; ignoring long term consequences “So Not” to spend more money on a better way or solution; knowing there will be no consequences in their lifetime for how they do things and not caring about what our own grandchildren will face. Thus in one word: anthropocentrism.
When we come together as one team, that is the day we shall see our energy future leading toward sustainable living.
Environmental Scientist
International Sustainability and Energy Consultant
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