Many of us heard the saying: Out of sight, out of mind. Sadly, that is the case many times with our oceans. Work being done under Back to Blue will hopefully end the blackout of information on chemical pollution in our oceans. Below is a release from last year and Links to more information:
TOKYO, JAPAN: March 2022 - Back to Blue, an initiative of Economist Impact and The Nippon Foundation, is releasing a new report, The Invisible Wave: Getting to zero chemical pollution in the ocean. The main purpose of the report is to raise awareness of marine chemical pollution, the scale and potential impact of which are not widely appreciated, and to focus minds on delivering solutions to achieve a zero-pollution ocean. To visit, use this Link: backtoblueinitiative.com for the full report.
As for “Back to Blue” this is an initiative launched by Economist Impact and The Nippon Foundation in 2021 to focus efforts on evidence-based approaches and solutions that tackle escalating ocean challenges, such as those posed by pollution. The Nippon Foundation was established in 1962 and is Japan’s largest philanthropic foundation, providing support to public-service activities in a variety of fields across national borders. In ocean affairs, the Foundation aims to cultivate human resources who will chart a course for the ocean’s future and to pass on the ocean’s riches to future generations.
Bill Lauto, at GoingTrueGreen.com
Environmental Scientist
International Sustainability and Energy Consultant
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