However, what we must ask ourself is: How do we dispose of the weeds in our lawn?
A) Do you whack them with a noisy gasoline and oil operated weed whacker?
B) Do you spray them with one of the many weed killers on the market?
C) Do you pull them out manually?
D) Do you use an electric operated cutter or edger?
Now don't assume that I pull my weeds out by getting down on the ground
and pulling each one out with my hand or some fork style tool.
The studies on weed killer sprays show one of the three worst toxic chemicals in weed killer sprays is being found in many groundwater locations. In New York, the DEC stated 124 detections of atrazine in 51 locations of groundwater, just on Long Island, New York. Our groundwater is our "Drinking" water!
Atrazine is dangerous and is an unacceptable risk to our health and our environment. After being banned in the European Union back in 2004, the United States is just starting to follow with banning the product in the spring of 2014. Does the fear of lost business have such a strong grip on America that we have to wait ten years longer to do what the rest of the world already knows? This chemical has the largest use, 76 million pounds dumped on our soil each year. Scientific studies proved atrazine is an endocrine disruptor. The New York Times ran a story in August 2009 about the potential for birth defects or low birth weights with an atrazine intake well below federal standards. The other two pesticides used in weed killers are metalaxyl and imidacloprid. Neither have been addressed as of yet. Only God knows how much time will be needed to ban them.
I don't own stock in the manufacturer, I don't even know if they are listed. Also I do not get any kickback. This ingeniously designed piece of equipment is amazing. Research this for yourself: Read the info, Watch the video and this equipment is affordable... 37 dollars and some change. Oh yeah, plus any sales tax and shipping. Nothing new there.
Fiskars Gardening and Yard Care Products
Last Note: After you pull out all your weeds... Compost them with your town's program.
Bill Lauto, at
Environmental Scientist
International Sustainability and Energy Consultant
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