Now as the dust settles, I am going to input some additional data and as an Environmental Scientist, I know there is a great deal more to this equation of doom:
Second, it has been reported by Park Rangers that the video and images show the Bison actually running toward the "previous eruption" site of Yellowstone's old super volcano. However, don't be too relieved. With a normal volcano, the lava's Conduit (main vent of upward flowing lava) supplied from the Magma deep beneath the earth's crust, create new passageways to the surface. Known as a side vent, it can travel many miles over the centuries and become the new main vent in a different location. An example of this would be the Hawaiian Islands since each island is a new location where the lava erupted on the surface. In Italy, Mount Vesuvius that destroyed the Roman city of Pompeii in 79AD, shows evidence of now being under the Bay of Naples. Some scientists studying this situation have stated that the water temperature in the Bay has increased and the surface level has raised slightly. One possible conclusion: a side vent of lava has developed and moved toward the Bay.
Now Super Volcanoes have a pool of lava that builds up under the surface and there isn't a main vent to release the pressure and lava. So when and if all the animals start running, then I would be concerned. The only release valves, per se, are geysers such as Old Faithful.
Scientist have discovered that since 1923, the ground level in Yellowstone is 74cm higher today. This can indicate a swelling of lava under the park's surface. Some state that Yellowstone's volcano is 40,000 years overdue. You see, the last eruption was about 640,000 years ago and it is believed that this super volcano erupted in intervals of six hundred thousand years. Nevertheless, there is no hard evidence at this time that an earth changing eruption is about to take place. In addition, there isn't much humans can do to prevent or stop the event. Life will change and survival will be very difficult world wide. God's green earth will lose most of its color, the land will become gray and humankind may see the final days. Please note that I said "may" because there are so many variables to this, including our ingenuity and human spirit. Thus, nobody can be certain. This is truly in God's hands.
Bill Lauto, GTG
Environmentalist and Energy Consultant